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Age Test - mental age psy quiz

Age Test - mental age psy quiz
  • 类型:字谜
  • 语言:"EN"
  • 评分:0.000
  • 厂商:Denis Ivanov
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 更新时间:2024-03-19 15:16:20
  • 标签: 娱乐 字谜 游戏 问答
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Have you ever wondered whether your inner age is the same as your actual age? You are about to find out!

Often people don’t act or think their age, so let’s find out. Just in a few minutes you can estimate your maturity, see if your habits and character traits are on with your age. Choose the answer that best describes you, remember to answer the questions honestly (or just for fun to see if you can get the lowest or highest result).

The test is designed to examine your psychological age, not your intelligence or knowledge.

Age test gives you a pretty accurate estimate of your inner age, though you should take the result with a grain of salt - the app is meant for entertainment purposes.

So how old are you really?




共收集 6 款游戏

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